Hi, my name is Dick Dyszel. In November, 1986, as my career as a producer/host at WDCA-TV was coming to an end, I saw a need for a DJ company that played incredible music without the pops and skips as well as tape hiss associated with all Washington area DJs at the time. So, I created Dick Dyszel's Laser Sounds, the first all digital DJ company in the metro area, playing only full fidelity popular music from CDs through a high power four speaker Cerwin Vega sound system.
30 years ago this month I played my first event at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Damascus, Maryland and the rest, as they say is history!
Over the next 30 years I provided music and MC services to over 900 wedding receptions, in addition to high school and college dances, anniversaries, Bar and Bat Mitzvah's, birthday parties, as well as hundreds of fashion events and celebrity personal appearances. The name changed in the early 90s to Sounds Fabulous and the location moved from 1995 to 2005 to the western suburbs of Chicago.
In 2005, I came back to the DC metro area with Sounds Fabulous again providing quality entertainment with expanded services. In addition I joined and later became treasurer of the DC Chapter of the American DJ Association.
I 2012 I created the area's first low cost, computerized consumer operated DJ System called "George."
It's now 2016 and the location has changed again, but this time I've decided to go out on a high note...so to say...and bring to a close the DJ chapter of my many careers.
I want to thank all my clients and friends who have made the past 30 years so memorable. I couldn't have done it without you. It was a blast!
I am wrapping up the DJ service, rest assured that my career as TV Horror Host,
Count Gore De Vol will continue and flourish even more now that I have more time
to dedicate to this fantastic endeavor.
I invite you to visit www.countgore.com every week for some of the worst horror movies every made, hosted by the Internet's first Horror Host, Count Gore De Vol! The program changes every Saturday night and is...FREE!
You'll also find, book, movie, game and other genre reviews in addition to a regular contests, celebrity interviews and a schedule of personal appearances.
For those who are curious about an even earlier career, I invite you to www.captain20.com where you'll learn the entire history of Washington's longest running Kids' Show host, complete with video.
for those who want to relive their childhood TV memories, I invite you to pick up
the 2009 feature length documentary "Every Other Day Is Halloween" by C.W.
Prather. It looks at all aspects of my TV career with an emphasis on Count Gore
De Vol without leaving out Bozo and Captain 20. Just click on the cover art!